v . 0 . 4 9

Hey...Hope you like my Game here!

This is an Alpha Version! And there are a still lots of Bugs and missing Features.


Arrow Left = Move Playership to the left

Arrow Right = Move Playership to the right


Lives = Adjust the number of Lives (Default 5)

Speed = Adjust Game Speed (Default 4)


New Game = Resets all and start a new Game

Start/Pause = Start and Pause the Game

Toggle Fullscreen = Turn of Maya's GUI for more Screenspace on/off

Toggle Effects = Turn on Maya Fluids System on/off

Toggle Music = Turn Music on/off

Quit Game = Quits the Game and restores User Settings

Emergency Ball R. = In Case that the Ball leave the Field and autorestart fails,

you can reset the Ball wihtout loosing Lives and Features

Score = Displays your current Score

Lives left = Displays your remaining Lives

!!! Features !!!


Every Level has it's Map file (LevelMap0.tga etc...)

You can adjust these Maps to create you own Levels

Colors Codes:

Red = Default Brick

Green = MediumBrick

Blue = HeavyBrick

Yellow = InsaneBrick

Cyan = BlockBrick

Magenta = EnemyBrick (Not implemented so far!)

Orange = GadgetBrick


A configfile (gn_MELArkanoid_config.txt) contains Balancing Information

Your are free to alter the Values for Hitpoints, Colors, Random Values etc...


B = Backdoor (Shortcut to next Level)

E = Resize (Makes you Ship wider)

P = ExtraLive (Any Questions?)

D = Multiball (Not implemented so far!)

C = Magnetic (You Ship acts like a magnet and pulls the Ball towards your ship)

S = Slow (Decrease Bouncing of the Ball)

!!! It is Important that you have at least one Gadget Brick in your Scene !!!


If you want to change the Color of the Gadget Brick from Orange to Purple, you have to change the Color in the Levelmap.tga files

and adjust the config.txt section for the gadget brick from

GadgetBrick to GadgetBrick

{255,127,0,50,1,0,1} {127,0,255,50,1,0,1}

You change Orange (RGB: 255,127,0) to Purple (RGB: 127,0,255)

The Config Syntax is:



Name of Brick

{Red Value,Green Value,Blue Value,Hitpoints,Destructable Flag,Enemy Flag,Gadget Flag}

Brick Size


Backup Files:

When you start this Game a Backupfolder ist created to store your User Mel files for Safety Reasons (..\maya\2008\prefs\melArkanoid_bck\)

Normally if you quit the Game correct with the Interface (Quit Game) all your Hotkey, Colors and HUD's will be restored automatically.

If Maya crashes or something abnomal happens you can always copy your original User Mel Files back to Maya's prefs Folder (..\maya\2008\prefs\)

Random Values:

I did not moved these Values to the config.txt file so far.

If you want to change the Randomweighting of the Gadgets you have to open the "gn_MELArkanoid_Initialize.mel" files and go to line 461

There you will find following:

int $RandomWeighting[] = { 5, 30, 10, 25, 10, 20}; // Weighting equivalents in 100%Here you can change how often each Gadget could randomly appear.

int $RandomWeighting[] = { Backdoor, Magnet, Mutli, Resize, Extralive, Slow};

Background Images:

For every Level exist one spezific Image. They are named „<LevelID>_fractal.jpg“. The Resolution is 512x512px.

You can simply add your Images by replacing the orginal ones.